Kathleen Finnegan
Home(818) 601-0056
Candy Cane Lane in Woodland Hills

Candy Cane Lane happens every year in Woodland Hills during the holiday season. Located at the beginning of Lubao Ave and Oxnard St is the beautiful eight-square-block area of holiday homes decorated with festive lights and attractions. Known for being one of the best light displays in the Los Angeles area, families come from all over California to see the sparkling lights that always bring a sense of creativity and unique flair.
Come before 9:30 PM and you may find residents selling hot chocolate along the street with candied apples and brownies. So, be sure to get there in time to enjoy the displays and to find the sweets.
Viewers are able to drive or park and walk to view this attraction. Click here for photos, hours, and directions.

Kathleen Finnegan
23925 Park Sorrento
Calabasas, Ca 91302
Office 818-876-3111
Cell 818-601-0056