Kathleen Finnegan
Home(818) 601-0056
2020 Market Report
Reviewing the consistency and fluctuation of the market in specific areas helps buyers and sellers to enter the market with the necessary insight to reach their goal. As the market consistently changes from month to month (as seen below) notice how pricing is affected.
If you are looking to sell this year, reach out to me so we can discuss an optimal time to enter the market. If you have questions on homeownership or would like even more detail on a specific area in your community, don’t hesitate to give me a call (818) 601-0056 or contact me here. Knowing and understanding the market is invaluable and I’d be happy to shed light on any questions you may have.

Kathleen Finnegan
23925 Park Sorrento
Calabasas, Ca 91302
Office 818-876-3111
Cell 818-601-0056