Kathleen Finnegan
Home(818) 601-0056
Is Your Home Ready For An Open House?
Here are three simple tips that will help you catch the eyes of potential buyers and get your home ready for showings this spring. Though show-ready sounds like an overwhelming term for some homeowners, it doesn’t have to be. Remember, there is something special about your property that will bring home buyers to your home, so the prep work is just highlighting the best part for them to see when they arrive.
- Centerpieces: It’s normal to want to clean everything, but depending on time, that might not be possible. So, find the centerpieces of the room. These are things like the bed, or kitchen stove, or bathroom fixtures. Make sure the beds are well-made, bathroom fixtures are dust-free, and every eye-catching place is polished. You’ll be surprised how focusing on these areas changes the dynamic of the room. Give it a try.
- Functionality: Make sure your home is functional for a showing. Throw away clutter and things you don’t need, but remember there’s a lot you still will be using while in the home. Designate functional hide-away areas where you can easily slide items you use on a daily basis quickly away and out of sight when it’s time for a showing.
- Personal Touches: Don’t forget the personal touches that only you can bring. Where’s your favorite place to have a glass of wine or a green smoothie? Consider in these areas, whether on your patio table or kitchen dining table, adding a wine bottle or glasses. It’s great to keep your home clutter free, but not free of personality. Maybe there’s a book on the table in your reading corner or a few candles on your kitchen table. Sometimes it’s the personal touches that become the defining factor for future home buyers.
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Kathleen Finnegan
23925 Park Sorrento
Calabasas, Ca 91302
Office 818-876-3111
Cell 818-601-0056